This site contains the equivalent of 250 book pages with 700 hyperlinks between these pages

New web page: :   How to Design Half-Cost Products


Home Page (Half Cost Reduction Strategy)

     Form to ask about seminars, consulting & new books


     Half Cost Consulting

     Design for Manufacturability Consulting

     BTO & Mass Customization Consulting

     Standardization Consulting

     Rationalization Consulting


     Half Cost Products Seminars

     BTO & Mass Customization Seminars

     Rationalization & Standardization Seminars

     Design for Manufacturability Seminars

     Seminar Comments from Attendees

     Comments from post-seminar surveys

Books by Dr. Anderson

     BTO & Mass Customization book (2008)
          Table of Contents: BTO&MC book

     Design for Manufacturability book (2010)
          Table of Contents: DFM book

     Agile Product Development for MC (1997)

     BTO book order form

Credentials of Dr. Anderson


     Conference speeches

     Public Seminars and College Courses

Client List

Articles by Dr. David M. Anderson

New white paper: Half Cost Solar Power

     Build-to-Order article

     Commercialization article

     Counterproductive Policies article

     Designing for Build-to-Order article

   Design for Growth   New Article

     Build-to-Order Future link

     How Not to Lower Cost article

   New article on "How to Build-to-Order Product Families"

     Design for Manufacturability article

     Lean Production article

     Designing for Lean Production article

     Low-Bidding article

     Mass Customization article

     Designing for Mass Customization article

     Mass Production article

     Mergers & Acquisitions article

     Off-Shore Manufacture article

       Cost of Quality article

     How to Design for Quality article

     Product Line Rationalization article

    Raising Profits Now   New Article

     Standardization article

     Supply Chain Cost Reduction article

     Total Cost article